Tag Archives: film

Sony and Valiant Announce Huge Movie Deal

Sony Pictures and Valiant Announce Five-Picture Deal to Bring BLOODSHOT, HARBINGER, and HARBINGER WARS to Big Screen
Landmark Plan to Bring Dual, Award-Winning Superhero Franchises Together in Shared Universe Crossover Film Event

Valiant Entertainment and Sony Pictures today announced a deal to bring two of Valiant’s award-winning comic book superhero franchises—BLOODSHOT and HARBINGER—to the big screen over the course of five feature films that will culminate in the shared universe crossover film, HARBINGER WARS.

Continue reading Sony and Valiant Announce Huge Movie Deal

Geekly Debate: Best Book-to-Movie Adaptation

Geekly Debate LogoThe latest installment of our weekly debate podcast, Geekly Debate. This week we debate the Best Book-to-Movie Adaptation of all time!

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