Tag Archives: Brian Wood

Geeks’ Picks for New Comics: April 8th, 2015

outright-geekery Logo NewNew Comics Wednesday is upon us again, and some of us here at Outright Geekery are running down the top pick on our comic stacks for this week. What are you looking forward to reading this week? Continue reading Geeks’ Picks for New Comics: April 8th, 2015

Marvelous Wednesday for Marvel

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Coming from a week off Jonathan Hickman’s Infinity hits hard this week Part Four of Six was by most accounts EXTREMELY EPIC. The Combo of Dustin Weaver’s beautiful pages with Jerome Opena’s is a symphony of wonderful art to press on this incredible story. As the cover suggest Thor makes his presence known to the builders in a way I was not even kinda prepared for. The good Captain plan begins to unfold for all to see, and the answer to who would win Between Thanos and Blackbolt (which I don’t agree with but how can I argue when its here in cannon for all to see), oh just for kicks THANOS’ son revealed! Quite frankly there is so much more…The Art is top notch, the writing is Prime, This Is A BUY TWICE….


Moving into the next big event between Marvel pages is the ever continuing cluster that is Battle of the Atom, Chapter 7. I have to say I’ve been very impressed how from title to title this event has flowed so well, you’d have no idea three different writers were at the helm of this event. This week its Wood with plain old X-men, and it kicks all the @$$. Very pleased with how his pretty much All Female team takes to the event. Me also being a product of the 90’s I’m always happy to see Jubilee, even if she’s still a vampire(seriously that’s still a thing? Aren’t the X-men convoluted enough?) Well we see yet another twist that was sorta hinted at in the last chapter, except NO ONE SAW THAT NEW CHARACTER COMING. I don’t care if you saw that cover in previews with Him in it, you didn’t see that reveal coming. Don’t know what I’m talking about…READ IT! David Lopez of course provide the kinda visuals you want in an X-book, Its mos def(not the rapper) a Buy in the Singles

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Now if you’re not reading this title you are missing out on one of the best action packed, mindf#(<*ng titles to come out of Marvel in some years. I know what you’re thinking, Captain America, man out of time, Great American Hero, Punched Hitler in the face(seriously cover of issue one, the original issue one, google it) yes the man is all that, but this title takes a look at Cap that hadn’t been really taken. What were his parents like, what would he be like if he was a dad, does he linger on the past too much, is he really acclimating to the present, all of these questions and you get to see Cap Beat some serious @$$. This Issue is pure setup, Cap is struggling after Dimension Z, hangs out with Falcon(so glad he’s relevant again, yeah I think he’s awesome wanna fight about it?). The cover tells no lies and I won’t either when I say you see Pacheco draw Nuke doing some messed up stuff. Rick Remender easily one of my favorite writers out there right now, pick this up in the Singles!!!!

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Well I started with Thor I’m going out on Thor! This book is unbelievably episodic! Jason Aaron has taken Thor and made him exactly what you remember him as before movies, cartoons, and all that hoodoo. The title says it all, its about THOR GOD OF THUNDER, and ironically just in time for the next movie, Malekith the Accursed has made his way of becoming the main villain of this title. Now not gonna lie, Malekith being one of my favorite Thor villains of all time(Yes way over Loki, I know you think that actor is cute but read some books, he’s not that lovable far more vile) but I’m gonna be honest Gorr The God Butcher(Yes he killed whole Pantheons through out the Universe) is a serious hard act to follow. But With Ron Garney’s art, a rag tag team of warriors of the Nine Realms(Thor is the only one from Asgard! I’m excited about that, I’m sorry there’s a lot more to lore and mythology than just the Gods and Warriors of Asgard). Jason Aaron has seriously provided a Thor title for Thor Fans. Loved it, Buy it in the singles!!!

Thats all from the Marvel side of things this week folks, JulesTrue here saying I’ll see you next time, Be sure to catch me ramble on about all things Marvel on Weekly Recs on YouTube, and more to come on here!
