A Week Late and a Few Dollars Short Part 1

Believe me when I say I did this on purpose, I wasn’t being lazy, I wanted to make sure to give everyone time to read this before I gave my full in depth review…OK I’ve been a little lazy as of late but believe me when I say that’s over!!!

Infinity Part 6 of 6


Writer: Jonathan Hickman

Pencils: Jim Cheung

First off let me say that Infinity has been my favorite Marvel event in oh the last ten years of comics, maybe my favorite event of all time, I’m gonna have to let it steep a little longer before I be that bold. When they said this was the end to Infinity they were so messing with me and I love it. Of course how ironic does the end of Infinity sound, oh Jonathan Hickman how you love to be ahead of the rest of us. Everything comes down to this, The Builders/Engineers defeated, Titan Conquered by Avengers, Earth in Thanos’ grap, Thane secured by Ebony Maw, and we’ve got enough pages for a hell of a showdown!

Haggard, rearing off victories of a war the Avengers were not ready for, they return to reclaim Earth from a tyrant they know all too well. Coordinating with The “New Avengers” *cough Illuminati* not that the others actually know that team exists. The Avengers begin to reassemble to finish out all they set out to accomplish. Thanos proves he is fully ready for them as he gathers his generals to make his stand. Ready to kill his son and finish his legacy.

The fight that ensues was downright beautiful. Everyone just looked like they’d been through hell, which they honestly had been, and hands down how cool and loyal are Thanos’ generals. Jim Cheng’s art delivers exactly what you wanted out of Hickman’s Avengers squaring off against the Generals!!! I loved Thor and Hulk not even really proving to be the heaviest hitters in the fight, that’s how intense this event has been, Thor and the Hulk were exhausted! Hyperion coming through with the kill on Corvus Glave was f#cking fly!

To put the Icing on the Cake, Thane, son of Thanos, Inhuman, must hear Ebony tell him how fickle and unpreventive hope is. The words throught this issue gave me chills as Maw fills Thane with anguish and mistrust in that Avengers would fall and all would be lost for him. That for him to reach his full potential he must leave his life of a healer behind and accept his true legacy, his heritage, son of the tyrant who fell in love with death. Thane then does the unthinkable, right as all seems lost, and defeat is right there in front of the Avengers. Thane reveals his other power, in one hand death, in the other LIVING DEATH, and stops Thanos! I don’t really know what living death means, but it sounds cool, and looks cool!

The Good: The art is just downright gorgeous, Jim Cheung started this event with two guns a blazing, and finished it with smoke coming from the barrel. Hickman did nothing but provide the best of the best, and the monologue Ebony Maw has to Thane throughout this issue is simply brilliant.

The Bad: I’m gonna go ahead and say the only thing bad about this issue was that it ended, and it ended with so many questions unanswered and with more added. Of course its called infinity and with a name like that we should have all seen that coming, an event that left us with no ending only more beginnings.

The Verdict: Why everyone didn’t feel like there was any payoff at the end of this event please remember this is not a miniseries.This is a step in the direction Hickman wants to take the Avengers and honestly I am on board. I loved everything about this, I’m ready for what’s next! Pick every issue up, or wait for the trades, or the omnibus, however you can, read this story!


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